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previously posted on 10/27/12

As I strolled through artist friend’s pages on Facebook, I came across this excellent promotional tool for artists and wanted to share it with you. The site is called http://www.artpromotivate.com .

The site is the brainchild of Graham Matthews. He spent 4 years at the Fine Arts division of Wilfred Grenfell College in Cornerbrook, Newfoundland. He says on the site,”I learned a lot there both about techniques and developing my personal creativity. It was what I didn’t learn that now astounds me. I came out of art schoolwith little knowledge of the gallery system. I knew little to nothing about art promotion. So, I had to learn all these things on my own.” A seasonal job at a fish plant allowed him time to produce and promote his work, but this year the fish planet closed putting Graham and 200 other people out of business so that is when Artpromotive was born. Graham now writes full time for this site. He says, “I am using all the methods I have learned to promote my own art and sharing them with you at Artpromotive.”

I hadn’t realized this initially but, this is a Canadian site! So many art marketing resource sites out there are from the states making them a little harder for Canadian artists to access because of cross boarder sales issues. Some of the topics available for you to search at Artpromotive are:
  • Art Blogging Tips
  • Art Book Publishing
  • Art Galleries
  • Artist Advice and Tips
  • Art Promotion Online
  • Computer Tips
  • Domains
  • Facebook Art Networking
  • Newsletter and Email Lists
  • Inspirational and Motivational Articles
  • Photoshop Tutorials and More
What initially drew me to the site was one of the resources there called the Goal Wheel for Artists. http://www.artpromotivate.com/2012/09/the-goal-wheel-for-artists.html written by artist Tara Read. She writes about how to set and achieve goals while still working from a place of inspiration. Goal setting is absolutely essential. If you are a more business minded artist or an A type personality you probably are good at that but find your creativity suffers from too much time spent in marketing. While others may have no problem staying connected to their creative core but have little or no enthusiasm for planning and marketing. This article emphasizes both as well as including the all important often neglected by me cycle of recharging and reflecting. When I make the time for  recharging, this is where I unearth my next creative direction. I hope you will visit the site and checkout the wealth of resources and helps there.